By Melee K. Valett
November 2020
Early in March 2020, a dear friend asked me, “Can you sew masks?” As an avid sewist, my reply was, “Sure, all I need is a pattern.”
Lo and behold, I had found a tangible project for my profound grief. I knew this could be an outlet for the loss of a loved one due to Covid-19; for the human species; and for my Country while its people suffer so needlessly...
I perfected one of the provided patterns and began letting folks know that I would send them face masks, if they wanted them. My parent, siblings, nieces and nephew, cousins, coworkers, friends and acquaintances across the country reached out. I’ve brought masks to my dentist’s office staff; my housecleaners; the 93-year-old mother of a friend; teachers I know and some I don’t; a rural library; and the residents and caregivers where my Mom lives – using appropriate social distancing measures, of course!